Big Day Jitters

Well folks, this is where the rubber hits the road (ha-ha..) Monday is the big day that has been anticipated for months. And the day in which all my training (or perhaps lack thereof) will be evident. Excitement as well as apprehension have been consuming me all day. It will be nice once the first day has come and gone. For a detailed map of all our routes, even daily turn by turn directions, check out the Links tab of my blog.

This weekend we had some time to go out for a beautiful ride to the famous Huntington Beach and Pier. On Sunday, we had the tire-dipping ceremony in the Pacific Ocean. This could be considered Day 0 as we rode to the beach and touched our tires to the first of the two seas. There are some pictures up on the Sea to Sea Facebook page, which I encourage all of you to Like and reference. I am not too keen on taking tons of pictures, so for now, check out Facebook or my Grandpas blog.

Blog posts will be less frequent in the future as we leave our comfortable stay at Vanguard University with wifi all around campus. One last sleep in a bed…

I best rest up for the first day now. Your prayer are greatly appreciated for strength and safety as we begin this journey.

Tomorrow, we ride!

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